Hi I'm posting hoping for encouragement but feel bit like kidding myself. Had my implantation 11/10/2015 had cramps sore boobs (thinking the progesterone now😩) they said was a really good embryo and I'm lucky to have 5 frozen. Anyway did clear blue last night stupid I know but got the urge and its was negative. Today I have woke up and feel like I have AF pains so upset
Roller coaster : Hi I'm posting hoping... - Fertility, Miscar...
Roller coaster
Hi just wondered how your doing??? You a little bit a head of me. I was reading your posts.....did you have a test?? Hoping all is ok for you 💕💕
Hi Missy,
Sadly my first IVF has failed 😒😒 got the awful unwelcome visitor AF gutted. Spent few days v upset but now trying to pick myself up! Moving house so focus is on that! I have five frozen embies so fortunate don't have to put my body through egg collection👍 I'm also trying acupuncture in a couple of weeks not into all that but will give anything a go toget a bfp!! Where you up to? 🌷🌷Nicola
Sorry your cycle failed That's fab that you have 5 Frosties! We are about to start fet in a few weeks with just one... Eek
I hope you're feeling better soon xx
Thanks Hun it is so disappointing you go into IVF thinking of course it will work even though you tell everyone you don't think the first time it will!! So did u have a first failed? Awe I'm wishing you all the best and baby dust! I have app 17th Nov to discuss FETyes v lucky to have 5blastocysts I'm 39 so my odds are much less though..trying to stay positive Xx
We were one of the lucky ones and got pregnant on first cycle! Sadly I miscarried at 16 weeks back at end of May. So here we are back again! We had our fet consultation yesterday, and I've to phone on day on of my period to see if they can fit me, which could be anytime from 16-23 Nov. I'd then start downregging on day 21 sometime in Dec. Praying we can start!!
It goes in swings and roundabouts doesn't it- I'm 33 so have that on my side albeit we only have the one which has lower odds in itself. Here's hoping with 5 one of them works its magic!!! I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard- just because it happened for us last time doesn't mean it will this time. Wish I had a crystal ball xx
Awe I'm so sorry about your loss. I am assuming 17th is our consultation I bleed end of Nov but it's only my second bleed and apparently they like you to have three bleeds which is incredibly frustrating! Yes age is on your side not mine😒..it only takes one so hopefully that is the one and of the five one of those too!! A crystal ball would be very useful!!xx
Hi was looking through my posts and wondered how ur fet went? I had my fet weds 9th so on dreaded 2ww 😒
Hi! Ours failed- didn't get to transfer as it deteriorated during thaw and we only had one. We are into another fresh cycle now- collection in April. I hope there is a rainbow at the end of your 2ww xx