I know there are far more serious things going on in the world right now and I know there will be so many of you in the same situation but i'm gutted and there seems to be no end in sight.
My infertility started about 4 years ago and I feel at every step of the way there is always a hurdle, first one was finding out I was unable to get pregnant due to blocked tubes, then having to wait months for the surgery (which I was told it was not guaranteed to work) but I was hopeful, then I learned it didn't work, then I had nearly a 12 month wait until I could have the surgery needed to remove both my tubes, which I found really difficult to deal with, but knew it was my only option and I had to overcome this.
Then I was meant to be starting my first injections this week and due to Covid-19, its all cancelled and I completely understand why, but there seems no end in sight, I am lucky enough to have this on the NHS but once I hit 40 I can no longer have it on the NHS, I will be turning 40 in July 2021, so I know I have a bit of time yet but who know if the NHS will continue to fund it after this crisis starts to ease off, I feel like my journey is almost over and Ive barely begun, to add insult to injury, everyone is talking about a baby boom in 9 months because people have nothing better to do while on lock down, I find it very hard to hear.
I am lucky enough that I have a fantastic husband and while on lock down I am able to do my daily bike ride and have a good routine to keep me positive and i'm doing my best but finally I'm starting to feel beaten down by the whole thing while for so long I have been so positive.
A friend of mine actually cried at me last week when she learned my appointments have been cancelled, she felt so sorry for me, I ended up hugging her to make her feel better, strangely I haven't cried myself yet but i'm scared if I start I won't stop.
Sorry for the long post, I just needed it off my chest x x x