I'm new here. Found out I have F4 cirrhosis went to hospital for other Issues then found this out. Had fibroscan, I'm here to learn
I'm new here. Found out I have F4 cir... - Living with Fatty...
I'm new here. Found out I have F4 cirrhosis went to hospital for other Issues then found this out. Had fibroscan, I'm here to learn

Welcome, this is a great site. My first advise is to get lots of rest and eat right, but don't stress or beat yourself up if you mess up. Everything in moderation. I'm in the same stage as you. 23 years ago they gave me 6 years to live. I started living by losing 70 pounds. I still have another 50 I'd like to lose but it is so hard to do that. I don't keep bread in my house or anything that will temp me, temptation are everywhere you don't need them in your own home. I'm 68 and still working and trying to tell people to get checked. Be thankful you know it. Now you can live right and save your life. If you didn't know it would be a silent killer. No live right.
Welcome. I had extremely high readings from my fibroscan, and to make a long story short, I did not have fibrosis afterall. The fibroscans are not accurate for people with a high BMI. Just my story and I ended up having another liver biopsy to prove it.
Take care. This place is great.
Yes, have biopsy. I was told f4 cirrhosis with advanced fatty liver by fiberscan blood test all showed different levels. My gastro was willing to settle with results but I had 2nd opinion who suggested biopsy result was mild fibrosis with mild fatty liver. I am now tested every 6 months with blood and US to watch for cancer. Watch diet and exercise daily. Pretty successful lost 80 pounds but lately gained some back. Gotta get on it again!! Not an easy task lol