so I went in to check for fatty liver due to weight issues I'm guessing. the doctor was very vague, mentioned Nash, and said I have severe fibrosis and that I can try to get into some trial treatment but no guarantees. didn't really say much after that other than see you in three months. which left me with the internet and I'm out here freaking myself out.
Can some one help me understand this ... - Living with Fatty...
Can some one help me understand this test?

Hi Bonny
You are luckier than most. Very few docs are helpful with NASH but you got tested before you got sick. The test means that your liver is getting stiff. You should try to see a liver specialist as this says you are at an F3 stage. It is not set your hair on fire stage but should be taken very seriously. There is a lot of information on our website but as you search keep in mind that Dr Google doesn't really care if you die so lots of strange advice out there but here is a good place to start. My score was 21.5 when I was diagnosed but is now 9.6 so you can succeed if you work at it.
I hear you, I feel lost too - frustrated, scared & worried. I'm at F3 also & am "atypical" "unique" - no doctor (so far) knows why I got NASH. Can you tell us what test this is ? Is it a blood test?
The result you provided looks like Fibroscan. Regarding "no doctor (so far) knows why I got NASH" If I am not wrong the path to have it is well known (although not all with fatty liver has NASH) -> fatty liver due to weight issues.
Actually, it is possible to have NAFLD and even NASH without weight issues, though usually being overweight is the cause.
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