I found out this summer that sometime in my lifetime (61 yo) I contracted and healed from Hep C. I had no idea! My blood tests also showed elevated AST (39) so my new GP advised an abdominal ultrasound.
Results: Diffusely echogenic hepatic parenchyma likely representing chronic liver disease.
I had blood work redone in October & after being more careful about my diet, AST was down to 36. (ALT was 40 in June, 35 in October) My new GP who I loved told me she was moving and connected me with one of her colleagues (DrL) who I saw earlier this week.
In DrL's GP notes, I found this: 61 y.o. female who presents for follow up of steatohepatitis
I've sent DrL a message asking if that's NASH.
Meanwhile, I'm planning on tightening up my diet even more. I've been mostly vegan since 2007 but do like pastries & sweets! So I'm like - black bean burrito with brown rice, kale, & broccoli for lunch, apple danish for afternoon snack. That needs to stop. I'm often just too tired to cook though, so finding a balance between what's good for me and what I have the energy to prepare is tricky.
I work part time doing garden maintenance, about 15 hours a week of raking, mulching, pruning, etc. I would love to work more, but it just wears me out. I do yoga &/or take a 20-30 minute walk most days that I don't work but spend a lot of time on the couch because I'm just TIRED.
I'm trying to figure out what my actual liver diagnosis is (NAFLD? NASH?) and if that's why I'm so doggone tired all the time, or if that's just because I'm getting old
I've been reading through a lot of the old posts & links which are very helpful! It looks like I've missed out on the most active times here, but I wanted to reach out and say hello anyway. I hope everyone is doing well.
J. (Bryophyta)