If you are a medical professional or a caregiver I hope you stick with me. You are important players in this subject.
Diarrhea is so common as a symptom and as a drug side effect that it is often minimized as an issue. We have all had experiences with it in our lives and we also tend to avoid discussing those bodily functions so it slides below the radar.
I had no appreciation for the power of these gastro events until my hospitalization last year. Diarrhea was just an occasional annoyance. There is something very primal in finding yourself in a hospital bed with a couple of very young nurses trying to clean up a pint or so of very foul, noxious, repulsive liquid that you are laying in. We really don't pay those people enough. Poop juice is like blood, a little goes a long way. A gusher seems to consume everything for yards around.
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