There are some things that make me ma... - Living with Fatty...

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There are some things that make me mad, but who should I blame?

nash2 profile image
28 Replies

Across the lifespan, and across every demographic group, Americans die at younger ages than their counterparts in other wealthy nations.

How could this happen? In a country that prides itself on scientific excellence and innovation, and spends an incredible amount of money on health care, the population keeps dying at younger and younger ages."

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nash2 profile image
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28 Replies
ThyroidDeb profile image

I don't get it either. 😕 I have read a few articles about just this, and I was dumbstruck!

Golendoodle profile image

The news was saying covid was the cause for the decline but I think it’s a combination of several things.

Bloomwithgrace profile image
Bloomwithgrace in reply to Golendoodle

yes it certainly was and along with that were the vaccine injury deaths VAERS site, as well as the lack of treatment prior to patients going to the ER. I worked in an Internal Medicine office of a major hospital for 35 years. What I witnessed was this. One physician listened to what the American Frontline doctors recommended. He prescribed Ivermectin and HCQ to every COVID positive patient. He concentrated in getting them help early through these medications. It was a practice of 10 providers. Most of our physicians had been contacted by the Medical Board in letters not to prescribe due to possible loss of license and malpractice. Basically it threatened them if they didn't comply. But one brave physician in practice for over 47 years decided to try it anyway. Every single patient that he prescribed those medications too stayed out of the hospital except one. And they just waited too long to call our office. He had the largest patient base in our practice. Patients were calling us back to thank us and tell us how much better they were sometimes in 24 hours. Also of note, my son (Who is why I am on this blog) was on life support with COVID for 10 days in 2021. He was on pallative care and doctors had given him no hope. We all had COVID and of course couldn't be with him. By the grace of God he was spared even in spite of the hospital protocols that were refusing him the right to try. They offered us 3 trial treatments he could participate in. But when I asked them to use the ivermectin, infusion vitamin c and HCQ all the doctors Hospitalists) refused us that right. I was heartbroken and helpless at that point. One physician even had the nerve to make the heartless comment that he was certainly not going to allow a family member tell him how to treat a patient. I told him our president had passed the right to try and my son was dying, how much more dire could it be? That's when he made his heartless comment. I wish now I had recorded him. I literally fell to my knees and prayed and asked God to perform a miracle. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️. My son was placed on Remdesivir which has the known side affect of kidney failure in all the trials. My son was scheduled to have a permanent trach put in since he was unable to come off the vent. The day he was scheduled to have that placed he came off the vent on his own. When his wife asked him if he remembered anything? He told her he only remembered being in church twice. He described the most beautiful scene of a pristine white sanctuary with brilliant light shining down from above with all his loved ones sitting there, even his deceased family including his father. He was looking down on this scene from above. He felt God's presence and he remembered a male figure bathed in light in a white robe and long white beard talking to his family members. It was an amazing testimony. The next day he was scheduled to have a permanent port placement to be on dialysis permanently. He was in complete kidney failure. His nephrologist came in his hospital room and told him that his kidneys had kicked in! All of his physicians were totally stunned and said it could only be a miracle. After this blessed event I started investigating the protocols at our hospital. What I found out made the protocol situation make sense because as long as the hospitals followed the protocols they would be compensated and paid by the Federal government. Sadly the government placed a bounty on our loved ones to make a profit. And as a person in the trenches I can attest that this is part of the death toll of Americans here in our country.

Golendoodle profile image
Golendoodle in reply to Bloomwithgrace

I’m so glad you posted this information thank you for sharing that very personal story. We lost three family members because of this horrible virus. I feel we were lied to by the government I don’t trust anything they say now!!!!

Bloomwithgrace profile image
Bloomwithgrace in reply to Golendoodle

I am so very sorry for your loss. Prayers for your family.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 We lost our very best friend and many neighbors 4 on my street. All elderly and one cancer patient. Another issue I witnesses too was that vaccinated patients had an increased in Tumor markers at an astonishing rate. Many of the providers noticed the uptick and so many in remission now have passed away. It attacks the immune system. Wel both COVID and The vaccine. It's a double edged sword isn't it.

Golendoodle profile image
Golendoodle in reply to Bloomwithgrace

It was a horrible terrifying experience for everyone. Having to watch outside a window while loved one are dying . The news showed horrific pictures none of which we had ever experienced. Thank God people are seeing what the truth is and just how easily we can be deceived.

Golendoodle profile image
Golendoodle in reply to Bloomwithgrace

Praise God for sparing your son I know how hard it was for our family and those in ICU that had to die alone.

Bloomwithgrace profile image
Bloomwithgrace in reply to Golendoodle

thank you so much! Yes my son said the isolation was one of the hardest parts.

Jkf1 profile image

Western diet.

lusitania84 profile image
lusitania84 in reply to Jkf1


Bloomwithgrace profile image

it's so much more than that though. We unfortunately are just lab rats here in America. We are bomb barded with poisons from every direction from 4 Corporations that own every single company...State Street, Bircher Hathaway, Black Rock and Vanguard. They produce our food, medications, control our legal system, our education system, our political system, our justice system, medical system, insurance companies, banking system and more. All the organizations sleep together to make a profit off of the misery that they actually create. We have no one to oversee the standards or quality of things that we consume, apply or use on our bodies The media is also complicit in spreading propaganda. The chem-trails spray us like insects in the name of weather control. We are sadly at the mercy of chemicals now in the soil so much that even organic farming has been affected. We need honest people in charge that can eliminate all the chemicals in our food and water. Physicians that promote real food instead of artificial medicines. Sorry I am mad too and these are the people that I blame because we are the most uniformed nation on the planet and it's not all our fault. We have been programmed to believe in the wrong things. Big pharma is especially to blame. We see all the side effects in the commercials. My goodness when death is a side effect that should wake us up. I pray now more than any time in my life that anyone evil that is involved will be exposed and we can stop the money trail and get back to basics.

Golendoodle profile image
Golendoodle in reply to Bloomwithgrace

I was listening to a preacher last Sunday he talked about money being the root of all evil and the older I get the more I see it!!!

Bloomwithgrace profile image
Bloomwithgrace in reply to Golendoodle

yes it's the love of money and greed. Making a profit off of humanity's suffering. It's hard to fathom if you are a decent and honest person.

Bloomwithgrace profile image

Here is some more data. This information is not to promote or deny the vaccine but only to educate as so much information is being censored. Also, I want to add that I know many providers that had adverse reactions from the vaccine so this is true.

Golendoodle profile image
Golendoodle in reply to Bloomwithgrace

I never thought in America that the information we were being feed was to promote an agenda but sadly now I see the lies that the government hid . Especially the orgin of the cause and the doctors and scientists that lied to the American public all for the love of money and power.

Golendoodle profile image
Golendoodle in reply to Bloomwithgrace

Thank you for sharing this information so others can make a true informed decision regarding what they feel is best suited for their healthcare needs.

Str8jacket profile image

It is interesting that the gap between American life expectancy and that of similar countries has diverged so dramatically since 1980.

The cause is institutional, or more specifically, how our governmental institutions are designed to thwart the translation of the needs of the many into policy. The most obvious examples are gerrymandering, which subverts majority/plurality rule and protects hyper-partisan lawmakers from the popular will, and the absolute unleashing of money in politics (think Citizens United, super PACs, etc.).

This means that policies that benefit the connected few (protections of industries that profit from unhealthy commodities like alcohol, sugar, and private healthcare) are pursued in place of policies that benefit the many (public health, development that promotes healthy living).

The consequences are unsurprising. Americans are generally more unhealthy, and live shorter lives, than other people who live in countries with similar levels of economic development but who have more representative/accountable government. A shorter lifespan is one clear indicator of this sad fact.

Golendoodle profile image
Golendoodle in reply to Str8jacket

Sadly so very true.

Bloomwithgrace profile image

I can assure you that my personal accounts are not made up quite the contrary. And as far as bounties what that was stating was Medicare set up guidelines and payment requirements that were detrimental to patients but benefitted hospitals that did not deviate from protocols. And as far as names of course to protect the privacy of those I worked with I'm not naming names. Anyone is free to have their own opinions. This is not political but factual accounts that I personally experienced. By the way, thank God that people are waking up and sharing their stories so no one suffers needlessly due to lack of knowledge or fear to speak up for their families for any medical issue.

Bloomwithgrace profile image

By not treating patients early with medications that were being demonized that worked in order to get emergency use authorization for the pharmaceutical companies to push the experimental vaccine. Which has caused vaccine injury and reported on the VAERS site. And it never protected patients from getting or dying from COVID . As far as vitamin therapies VitaminC, Zinc, NAC, aspirin, etc were effective according to a large number of reputable physicians around the world.

Bloomwithgrace profile image

I'm sorry you feel that way. . I'm not calling you names because we don't agree. That's pretty sad, but not unusual. Prayers for your condition and hopefully we will all benefit from discussions with each other in the future.

BU2B profile image

There are a lot of dilemmas and head shaking in life. Everyone here is here for the same reasons; either they or a loved one are dealing with the ups and downs of liver disease caused by NASH. PLEASE don’t start biting and snipping at each other out of frustration. We’re all on the same side. Our differences in opinion on politics and religion are NOT why we are here - our worry, concern and liver conditions are the stars of the show. ✌️🫶🏽

Jmaxley profile image
Jmaxley in reply to BU2B


Jmaxley profile image

I thought you gave up on this fight. We all wish you had. This is not doing anyone any good for you to bully one of our peerson here. I believe her story. I worked in hospitals in TN as a social work case manager many years. She was merely saying that if the doctors had given up on her son, what would it have hurt to try something experimental. Please be respectful of other people’s stories and opinions. None of us have any reason to not be truthful. Bullying is not how to get along with those of us who have the same health goals. It’s not our job as individual members to tear apart someone’s personal story they have chosen to share.

Bloomwithgrace profile image
Bloomwithgrace in reply to Jmaxley

Thank you for your understanding. It was never my intent to upset anyone. ❤️

Jmaxley profile image

and you are bullying. She has no reason to lie.

Bloomwithgrace profile image
Bloomwithgrace in reply to Jmaxley

Thank you so much. This was a heart breaking experience for our family. I pray no one ever is made to feel this way. 🙏🏻❤️

andrewax2 profile image

Our “food” is literally killing us.

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