I went to my doctor a year and a half ago because of pain on my right side and after an ultrasound I was told I had liver cancer and then sent to a cancer center. They agreed with diagnosis and I was told I had less than a year to live. Two weeks later I had a biopsy and then was told no cancer but NALD. Now I get an ultrasound every six months because I was told my liver could turn to cancer at any time. My last ultrasound showed stable liver and MELD of 9 which went up from 7 because my protein numbers were high and was told that is because of liver disease. I was wondering if everyone just gets a MELD number after a ultrasound.
NALD was diagnosed after I was told I... - Living with Fatty...
NALD was diagnosed after I was told I had liver cancer

Meld was designed for people awaiting transplant and it is usually confusing if you aren't in that situation. Ultrasound is used to monitor for cancer but the most important measure for liver is probably a FibroScan. You might ask about getting that test as it measures liver stiffness and is more valuable than ultrasound. You have had a biopsy which should have told you a lot about the health of your liver but doesn't really apply to cancer diagnosis.
My Fibroscan came back that I could have level 3 or 4 cirrhosis. I then went for a biopsy and it came back a 1 in total for cirrhosis...I think that's how it was put. Now, to me, the Fibroscan was not accurate or the biopsy results were no good. Now my doctor wants me to get another Fibroscan and bloodwork...6 months later...to see if my liver is less hard. Not sure what to believe.
Glad to hear it's not cancer. Sounds like the game plan moving forward is to make some lifestyle changes.
What's a little upsetting is the fact that (from US imaging) you were told you had cancer by your PCP, the cancer center backed that diagnosis then 2 weeks later after a biopsy it was determined you did not have cancer. Kind of an emotional roller coaster.
In case you don't have Fibroscan in your immediate area, check to see if an US w/Elastography is available.
Good luck on your journey! 🙏🏾
Wow, I am so sorry for your stressful journey but, I have several questions. Who gave the 1st US that determined cancer, did cancer center do more testing or just go off the prior US. You had a biopsy that said no cancer, who did that test, was it a hepotoligist? What exactly did the biopsy show, it can tell you a lot about what's going on. Did it indicate cirrhosis and what stage or fibrosis and what stage? If they thought you had cancer from first US what difference will any US after biopsy show? Did they suggest diet changes, exercise or vitamins? I can only imagine your confusion, my suggestion is research, read studies, educate yourself then ask questions. My doctors have told me they have never had a patient ask the questions I do but I want to know all I can. My prognosis was stage 4 cirrhosis with advanced fatty liver but biopsy was stage one fibrosis with mild fatty liver. I have US and blood work yearly, never a meld score. My first gastroligist was willing to settle with cirrhosis, I wasn't so got 2nd opinion with hepotoligist who did the biopsy. Good luck but I would be asking for more at very least the fibroscan.
My doctor was out of the country when the ultrasound came back and so I went to her associate and he said I have liver cancer. Then when I went to the cancer center they did no more tests but also told me 98% cancer. Then biopsy found no cancer. Gastroenterologist has recommended a Med diet, weight loss of 5% of weight and plenty of exercise. I take vitamin E, B, C, thistle and D. I also take Ozempia for my diabetic. I will certainly ask about a fibroscan. I thank you for your concern and tips.
This really angers me. Doctors and their associates should NEVER mention the c word unless it's a certainty. I mean that's just a lot on someone to tell them they have cancer and then turn around and say oh we goofed, sorry we put you through all that anguish 😧