Good news . I have reversed my F2 to F0 in two years through low carb diet and exercise.
Loose weight, clean diet and exercise really work. Be optimistic.
Good news . I have reversed my F2 to F0 in two years through low carb diet and exercise.
Loose weight, clean diet and exercise really work. Be optimistic.
Great news. May I ask how your F2 was diagnosed? Fibroscan? Or other test?
That's great news! can you tell us more specifically about your diet and what you ate?
I have had the same success F4 is down to F1 on a Fibroscan. I do have non alcoholic cirrhosis but my score changed dramatically in 6 months. Low carb, low sugar, no red meat lots of fruits and veggies. Coffee everyday along with daily exercise and I’m on a path of great health!
You have cirrhosis Even though you've got your fibrosis scored down , yes it's been scaring me thinking I may have cirrhosis. My liver fast lab work said Fibrosis but I still fibro scan.
Really terrific results! You hard work has paid off. Was your initial cirrhosis diagnosis confirmed by biopsy? What have you aultrasounds shown. What I want to know is, what other signs (physical or tests ) were clues that your cirrhosis was in the process of reversing. Just wondering. You're such an inspiration. Congratulations.
Thanks so much for the encouragement. Like many others I was diagnosed with fatty liver many years ago. My Primary Care Physician didn’t make any mention of how potentially serious it was only saying I might want to lose a few pounds I had issues with heartburn and for years took over the counter meds. It wasn’t helping so an angel sent me to a top notch gastroenterologist. He started looking through my history and was shocked nobody did a complete work up. That showed F4 and led to a biopsy. My Gastro was as shocked as I was to get the pathology report. Other than the pain in my side going away I really didn’t know if my liver was healing until I saw him and the blood work and new Fibroscan showed vast improvement. I wish you the best on your journey.
Great news! Tell us about your diet please, and grams of carbs per day.
Great new! Also very encouraging to others! Congratulations!
would love to know what you ate, and what tests you did thanks!
Moe what was a typical days menu for you? Were you Paleo?
Congratulations! Best news! 👏
Is cheese and heavy cream a no no? I asked because the keto diet has a lot of that in there.
Great job, Moe! So happy you reported back. 😊 What do you think was the most positive step forward? What is it that stops the fibrosis or progression? Is it diagnosis of disease attacking liver, clinical trial drugs, or liver friendly diet? Be blunt.
I’m asking for myself. I’m shocked really that fibrosis has progressed quite rapidly the last 2 years and I’m getting scared of a liver biopsy now with fibrosis…
On the other hand, if autoimmune, I think that would require different medications/ treatment to stop progression.
4 years ago I thought it was turmeric with black pepper extract supplements. Stopped ALL supplements. Liver friendly diet, no alcohol, added olive oil & coffee, & kept looking for diagnosis…everything spinning out of control. I’m going in the wrong direction & I’m looking for my next right step…
FibroScan, NASH 4