I had been seeing my Liver Specialist for twenty years. For twenty years he had been telling me lose weight, eat a balanced diet and exercise. I went from 140 kilograms to 75 kilograms and holding thanks to daily calorie counting. I was informed this month my liver is normal and not to come back unless I get sick. Exercise, control your weight, and eat a balanced diet. I don’t count carbs, I just count calories. Get down to a weight that is healthy for your height and long term you will do better. Don’t hesitate to contact me if I can help further.
Don’t come back unless you are sick! - Living with Fatty...
Don’t come back unless you are sick!

Pleased to hear things have worked out well for you. Keep up what you are doing!
Congratulations. What was your original diagnosis?
So happy for you. How many calories do you eat in a day? I would like to hear what you eat in a typical day thanks.
That is great advise but NO not everyone WILL get better, some of us have NASH Cirrhosis, and even though eating and working out is the best fight against becoming decompromised they still need to understand that they still need to be AHEAD of the game when it comes to their medical needs. For those of you who have NASH, DO NOT EAT CARBS, carbs as you know turn to sugar and we need to stay away from it! Sure you can cheat you have to from time to time, but for the most part STAY AWAY!
I had NASH and eat healthy carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, etc. this is not counting the two fruits I have per day. I no longer have Nash and my entire condition has been reversed .
Glad to hear you have done so well.
I do believe I will need your help! The fact that you made the change in your life style, diet & exercise = your success! May need your encouragement. There's a lot going on right now! I've had 2 COVID infections past year, last December. Then fell tore dominant arm Rotator cuff. I'm a nurse, think I'm better off working now my liver disease woke up! Also not sure why my WBC has been elevated elevated for months! So see Hemotology/Oncology today. The thing that gives me anxiety is TRUMP! Still it is difficult in USA to get help if your sinking financially! They Republicans feel you have to be poverty level! Well I am, but I live with my son and he is not making it at $20/hour. We, me need help! Can't afford food, meds that I have to pay out of pocket are no more and I don't accept new scripts unless VERY necessary. Can't afford it! Sorry to unload! Been suicidal and depressed! Docs don't treat my b/p cause I'm always upset! Sometimes...actually always wish I was male when it comes to jealthcare and being a patient! Women's Healthcare is SYMPTOMS overlooked all too often! Oh she's upset, her relationship at home is stressful! I have a NP that is afraid to treat my depression and WILL NOT treat my anxiety.

If you are not already vaccinated talk to your Doctor to see if current health status is good enough to get a vaccine. Maybe your elevated WBC is Covid related. Hit me up anytime for advice. Making lifestyle changes will not only be good for your liver, your mental health will improve also.