Dear Forum Members,
I would welcome thoughts from experienced forum members/participants (I'll be following up with a liver specialist as well). Last year I had a FibroSure test done in November (2020) and my Fibrosis score was 0.11 (so no fibrosis) but my Steotosis score was 0.62 (moderate) and NASH was "probable/borderline" (AST/ALT were high at AST:34 and ALT:74). I improved my diet and lost some weight and in Jan/Feb and my doctor said to take the same test in 6 months to a year (we had some other tests done that had potentially ruled out other causes i.e. genetic, hemochromatosis etc.). I just took the test again and it looks like my Steotosis score has improved to 0.36 ("No Steatosis - Minimal Steatosis") and Necroinflamm at 0.25 so "not NASH". My AST/ALT levels are normal (AST:22, ALT:21) but my Fibrosis score has gone UP to 0.24 from 0.11 (F0-F1, which seems to indicate some mild fibrosis, there is no description of this borderline stage in the test results).
I need help understanding why my Fibrosis score has gone up while all other indicators have improved (could it be just test variance/unpredictability at lower levels as its still at the no/mild stage? or did I experience some fibrosis as my other indicators improved?).
I still need to lose ~8 pounds to be in normal BMI range so will be working on that (also haven't completely cut out fast food, although have drastically reduced it).
Thank you!