So I just wanted to give an update to my latest biopsy, since yall know I was scared to have the "butcher"...the did try to give her to me again, I went into straight panic mode, very unpolitely said absolutely not! They did eventually give me a different doctor, he was great, in and out in less than 30 mins...however, I had some major complications with this one...I ended up in the ER yesterday doubled over in severe pain unable to breathe. Apparently, he did puncture my lung when he was doing the biopsy, this is something that can happen, I almost wait to see any more what is going to happen since I have the shit luck. It started as just pain radiating to my shoulder, it became so unbearable that I almost called 911 myself, but my husband walked in the door as I was dialing so he just rushed me to the hospital. They took me back right away. They could clearly see something was not right as I couldn't breathe and my lips were damn near blue. The ER doctor said it was due to bleeding, but it didn't make sense that I couldn't breathe. So when I talked to my GI doctor this morning she informed me that my lab results state there is a minor puncture in my lungs which is why I couldn't breathe. I am ok today. Still hard to breathe, but I know how to handle it now and try not to get upset as that makes it a thousand times worse. I had no idea what was going on and I was so so scared. I am okay now. Still, a little shaken I guess you could say and very very sore, but ok. Please dont get me wrong this is NOT always the outcome with a liver biopsy, and some will come out perfect like I did for my first one, even this one was ok until yesterday. My biopsy was Monday. The doctor that did it was good and got what was needed, I can almost guarantee exactly when it happen, I all the sudden got horrible pain in my shoulder during the procedure. I told them I had a hard time breathing, they said it was normal bc of the pain, and I do remember that from the other 2, but this was just soo different. I pray no one ever has to feel that, first time in my like I thought I was going to die. But like I said I am ok today and glad that I have a story to tell in hopes of helping someone else. Thank you!
3rd Liver Biopsy...FAIL!: So I just... - Living with Fatty...
3rd Liver Biopsy...FAIL!
tough journey but glad you are ok. Complications like that are fairly rare but no fun at all when they happen.
THIS IS WHY I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO DO A BIOPSY!!! It is so invasive and its NOT guaranteed to give 100 percent accuracy so why do they do it? Sorry for your pain.
Happy to hear you're okay now.. What you're describing is exactly what I'm going through now. Biopsy exactly a week ago, had immediate sharp pain and trouble breathing, docs said it was normal and did an ultrasound to confirm. A week later I'm reduced to tears and pain..i can't breathe normally, taking quick short breaths, can't find a comfortable position and dare not laugh or cough, crying hurt to breathe. Im afraid to go to the ER bc of numerous terrible past experiences and I have Lupus. This liver concern is a very new problem for me and im scheduled to see my GI on Monday for follow up but don't think I can stand the pain. Any additional info you can offer will be helpful. Your post was like reading my thoughts. All the best of health to you.
Did you do the puncture in the side?