Hi I’m awaiting a fibroscan to check how my liver is working after having intermittent raised liver function tests. I get my bloods done every 3 months or so as I am on various meds for long-standing ankylosing spondylitis which I’ve had since I was around 8 years of age. I’m 52 now. I had a raised alt level in March and June’s test was normal but the most recent one is slightly raised again. If it’s not my meds, my GP thinks it’s likely a fatty liver. I hardly ever drink alcohol but I am a bit overweight due to my disability. Ever since I knew there was a problem with my liver I’ve become extremely anxious and are constantly worrying incase there is something sinister going on. I don’t have any other liver-related symptoms ie, no jaundice, weight loss, pale stools or actual pain but I often think I can feel a tightness on my right side where the liver is situated. If the fibroscan does suggest I have NAFL disease I will do everything I can to reverse any damage and I am already changing my diet and trying to lose some weight by watching what I eat. My main reason for this post is to ask anyone else who has been diagnosed with this condition whether they feel any symptoms on the right hand side? Not pain as such, just sometimes a ‘tightness’ or ‘heavyness’ feeling. No swelling that I can feel. I’ve been told there could be quite a wait for the fibroscan due to a Covid backlog. I the meantime I am trying to manage my anxiety and worrying which is not easy!
No pain but tightness?: Hi I’m awaiting... - Living with Fatty...
No pain but tightness?
Sorry to hear that. Bechterew disease is a challenge. A lot of people here have right upper quadrant pain associated with liver disease but fatty liver has a very wide range and the first thing to do is relax a little. Getting on a liver friendly diet is the first step so good for you there. In case it might be of some value here is a link to a discussion of a NASH diet as something to consider.
Like your arthritis challenge fatty liver is a marathon and things happen slowly so absent overt symptoms you probably have time to respond. It is important to get a good understanding of what is happening but you are already taking the steps you need to so try to ease your mind a little. The liver has a tough covering called a Glisson's capsule and if the organ swells it can feel like pressure under the ribs. A key question will be to understand if any medications you are taking have are hard on the liver. You may need to get a hepatologist involved to work that out.
Good luck
Many thanks for your reply and advice. Hopefully once I’ve have my fibroscan I will know more. I have been on a drug called Sulphasalazine for over 30 years and according to a patient guide I printed off from the British liver trust about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease - it does list it as one of the drugs that can cause this condition. I just hope I can improve the situation by losing some excess weight and embracing a new diet. Thank you for the link. Cheers
Fibroscan results took a week. Don't let the result freak you out. I just was told i am F3 and ultrasound showed enlarged fatty liver, but i have no pain or tightness. Good that you are starting to lose the weight. Look into intermittent fasting. I did a 5 day mimick fast with ProLan and lost 10 of the 20 pounds i was told to lose. The anxiety is hard to manage.