After my liver enzymes shot up really high, my doctor did a detailed look at my medical history and discovered that 10 years ago when I had my gallbladder removed, the surgeon noticed my liver was inflamed and made a remark for that to be followed up on. Nobody got that message. Is it possible that my liver would be inflamed for years and I never knew it and now I have liver damage? (I do, I’m scheduled for a fibroscan) I do have fat in my liver but what would the two have to do with the other? Would the inflammation cause fatty liver? Could my symptoms have anything to do with my liver being inflamed 10 years ago?
Chronic inflammation : After my liver... - Living with Fatty...
Chronic inflammation
I think so. It’s amazing that no one talked of it before. I had a hysterectomy in 2000 and 10 years later my liver failed from inflammation due to Hep C. I never knew I was even sick all that time. Does inflammation from diet and toxins damage the liver? Yes. Also virus like any type of Hepatitis or also drinking inflames the liver. So can certain meds. I hope you get some answers soon with your scan. I’m certain that you can take steps to move into a healthier future. All best to you!
I have lupus and in 2014, I had a liver biopsy due to elevated ALT. I only learnt at the time, that a prescribed med had damaged it. Last year my lupus consultant referred me on again to see if I had chronic liver disease. The appt revealed that in 2014, my biopsy showed I had stage 2 fibrosis. 6 years on and I am waiting for a fibro scan too. His opinion was that I have advanced disease, and that he felt my liver was a bit stiff. Lockdown is here and no appt is forthcoming. Now that NHS is slowly dealing with other illnesses, I think I should be seen and soon. I fear I will be forgotten again like before.
Sadly it is common to have a asymptomatic advancing liver disease for many years. It is normal practice for docs to ignore it absent acute symptoms. One of our goals is to change that.
In 1983 I had my gallbladder out and the med history I got after the doctor retired said I had fat around my liver and other organs. In 2001 I had gastric bypass surgery, only they aborted the surgery because they said the was the worst liver then ever had seen. It was later diagnosed of NASH. Since I have had back surgery, both hips, both hands surgery, but I watch what meds they gave me. I got sick after the hip surgery because of the harsh meds they gave me. In 2018 I was diagnosed with stage 4 fibrosis of the Liver with cirrhosis. Now I'm on the research program and the dr things I have the right pill, however it has made me exhausted. Now my Iron is way down to 9% and my muscles are dying because I have no iron pushing through my body to help build muscle. Monday the found a mass on my tonsil. It's just never stops. I feel like I'm going to own the hospital soon. If they get my iron back up maybe I will be able to tell if I'm actually getting better from the research pill, but right now I"m sleeping 10 hours a day. But to your question, no one said anything in 1982 but looks like I have been fighting fatty liver into Nash for about 40 years. I'll soon be 64, so I was 20's when it started.