Alrighty. I’m 33 and weigh 230 lbs. I’ve fluctuate between 200-233 since 2009. I used to party and drink but have not really drank at all for 1.5 years. When I did drink sometimes it was once a week a lot in one evening, and sometimes it was once every couple of months. I had a year that I did drink a lot in about 2010-2011. A lot of social drinking. Alright, I got an ultrasound of my abdomen in 2018 and was diagnosed with fatty liver. My liver enzymes were mildly elevated. I lost weight and worked out a lot. I remained around 200 lbs until I got pregnant with my son. I gained weight and had a liver function panel done. My alt and ast were mildly elevated. I think in the 50’s and then later 100’s. I was pretty heavy. I ate clean for a month and did the liver rescue and went in for testing and my function test was amazing. My liver panel was perfect. No elevations at all. Then I started eating bad and gained 15 lbs and took another test (for life insurance) and they were bad again!
Now I have tests ordered and I am back on the liver rescue. I have lost 15 lbs and I’m back to the weight I was when I had a normal test. Additionally, I’ve had a hida scan that showed my liver and gall bladder functioning normal and a cat scan that showed my liver at normal size.
I am having some pain. Maybe my gall bladder? It’s mainly near the end of the day... I drink coffee and eat a LOT of veggies and all fiber diet. I am getting gas and having regular and even multiple bowl movements because I am all plant based. I don’t know why I all of a sudden have pains more often then before when I was heavy?