*Update: Based on some of the replies, I've added a few photos to helps illustrate where I'm experiencing localized discomfort (the images are not of me, specifically).
Hello, everyone.
I'm looking forward to meeting some of you and – just maybe – getting closer to a diagnosis. I've made a series of posts on the British Liver Trust community but wanted to broaden my search a little bit.
So, at the risk of sharing too much detail, here's my story (apologies for the long post).
First, a bit about me. I'm a 32 year-old male, 5' 7", 141 lbs. I don't use any prescription or recreational drugs (except for alcohol) and have no pre-existing medical conditions. Lastly, I work a desk job, I'm a vegetarian, I do high-intensity exercise two days a week, and practice sitting meditation for twenty minutes a day.
Truthfully, my only vice has been beer. For a few years, I was a beer while making dinner, a beer with dinner, and a beer after dinner sort of guy. However, I have been abstinent for three months now.
Now for the medical business – back in July of 2019, I started experiencing mild discomfort in right side. I've described it as beginning just to the right of the center of my chest, wrapping around my right floating ribs, and extending to the middle of my back. To be clear, the pain has never been debilitating – maybe a two on a scale of ten.
Thanks to Dr. Google, I thought I had liver disease – especially because, at the time, I was a drinker.
Since then, here's the journey that I've been on:
– JULY, 2019 –
1. Normal blood test (comprehensive metabolic panel and complete blood count)
– OCTOBER 2019 –
1. An “unremarkable” multi-planar ultrasound.
2. Officially stopped drinking.
– NOVEMBER 2019 –
1. Experienced a panic attack and checked myself into the ER.
2. An “unremarkable” CT scan with contrast.
3. Normal blood test (comprehensive metabolic panel and complete blood count)
– DECEMBER 2019 –
1. A normal upper endoscopy with biopsy (testing negative for helicobacter pylori bacteria).
– JANUARY 2020 –
1. A normal HIDA scan.
2. And a negative MRI.
Likewise, since all this began several months ago, I've also made the following observations:
1. I kept a food log for three months and was unable to identify any triggers e.g. fatty foods, alcohol, etc.
2. The discomfort is particularly noticeable while sitting for long periods of time e.g. in the car, at the movies, during sitting mediation, etc.
3. Likewise, the pain intensifies if I'm frequently bending over during housework or lifting my 3 year-old daughter.
4. And the sensation gets worse in the evenings and can sometimes be described as a numb spot in the middle of my back.
With all that history out of the way, here's where I am today. Both my family doctor and gastroenterologist are out of ideas. So, the leading theory from my doctor of physical medicine is the pain may be a result of a case of shingles I had in 2016. In fact, he prescribed Gabapentin for a few weeks to see if things improved. Which I think they did but, truthfully, I'm not totally sure.
So, my specific questions for the community are:
1. For those who have NAFLD or NASH, what tests or tests ultimately confirmed the diagnosis?
2. Based on my history and tests, is it worth getting a FibroScan or liver biopsy?
3. Can someone, in simple terms, explain the difference between simple fatty liver, NAFLD, and NASH? Part of what's made this whole process frustrating is the idea that it could be “nothing” or “life-threatening”.
Thanks in advance!