A lot of companies are trying to understand liver disease patients. The head of patient advocacy for a major firm has hired consultants to explain patients but isn't confident about what they have said. She wants to talk with a couple of patients herself to better understand some things. She is a friend and I agreed to try to find the patients. This is not to solicit a trial or any other study and there is no payment involved. This is a major executive who wants to understand patients better. My problem is that most of my contacts have advanced disease in some form. She wants to understand the early part of the journey so I'm looking for two people who fit this definition and have not been in a study with a
FibroScan score greater than 7
ALT above normal
At least 2 conditions from this list
Type 2 diabetes
Obesity or BMI greater than 25
High triglycerides
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
message me and I will tell you what I know and/or hook you up.