Fatty Liver
Fat body
High bp
Husband has huntingtons and in nursing home
Daughter is Huntington positive
Youngest is 1 of 6 with her issue
I know God sent me to this page!
Fatty Liver
Fat body
High bp
Husband has huntingtons and in nursing home
Daughter is Huntington positive
Youngest is 1 of 6 with her issue
I know God sent me to this page!
HI Doe
You are certainly in the medical pit. I can understand how that must feel desperate all the time. Huntington's is a cruel disease and is genetic so I can't imagine the stress the family must feel. We don't really know much about Huntington's but there was a discussion in a Parkinson's community that may give you a connection with someone who does.
As to the fatty liver and issues associated with that, the main tool you have to work with right now is diet. Here is a link to our approach to food which may be of some value to you.
We can't provide any medical advice, so this is just good sense. Eat things that don't make it harder for your liver to do its work.
I hope you can find some peace with all this, fear and anxiety are real enemies
Firstly, welcome to the forum where you will get the support you so desperately need. We cannot provide medical answers to your questions but we can share our experiences and give you examples of what we are doing to combat this serious debilitating condition.
The first thing I would suggest is that you get as much support as possible for your husband and daughter. Huntington’s Chorea is a dreadful illness, not only for the sufferers but also for the carers and those who look on helplessly. You have the added concern with your daughter’s status, it must be a very stressful time for you. However, if you are to seriously tackle your own health issues, you will need commitment and strength.
You mention being fat, I am too however, if you want to improve your liver, you nead to be serious about looking at what you put into your body. The liver is a marvellous organ. It can regenerate and heal ... if we catch it in time.
Exercise is essential! Nothing too fancy, it’s just important to keep moving. Our liver has so many functions to take care of, it’s a busy busy organ so any help we can give it will be beneficial for us.
Can you start by giving us a bit moreinformation? Who told you you had fatty liver? Did they say whether it was alcohol related or non alcohol related? Was blood taken to check your liver function and did you have any tests such as an ultrasound or fibroscan? Were you given any advice or information?
I am diabetic, this is an additional risk factor as is Hypertension which you and I both have. At the moment, I have my multiple conditions under control however, this didn’t happen overnight.
One thing you could start with is a food diary to look for patterns in your eating habits , sometimes it helps to see it written down because it gives you an idea of the changes you need to make. For example, I was partial to chocolate biscuits... I still am given half a chance, however, I started of with exchanging my usuals for a packet with less sugar. I just couldn’t cut them out completely. What are your weaknesses?
Once we know a bit more about you, you will find that other people with similar experiences will explain how they managed their situation. Stress is not good for you but I can imagine it’s very difficult to avoid.
How are you feeling right now? Do you have any symptoms?
Please take some time to care about yourself, you are worth it.
Take care
Yes huntingtons is horrid! My husband in an HD rage tried to kill me in July 17.
Yes I had testing on liver..
Dr told me about it being positive.
I dont drink alcohol.
Weakness in food...chocolate!
We seldom eat bread, white potatoes...
I as well have a daughter who is 1 of 6 who have her exact diagnosis.
There is no name for it yet.
DD is amazing and truly a gift from God!!
Sorry for the late response, I had a nasty respiratory Virus which knocked me for six.
How are you feeling now? Have you started making small lifestyle changes?
If you can severely reduce your sugar intake, believe me it will help you to feel better. When I have a wee sugar binge, I feel so sluggish and tired.
If food is your biggest problem, perhaps a referal to a nutritionist might help you to make sone changes?