The American Liver Foundation has asked me to be one of their delegates for what they call Hill Day. It is a day when we, as liver patients, go to Congress and meet with individual Congressmen to talk about the issues that our community faces. The ALF has a legislative agenda, such as supporting the HepC vaccine programs, which I will help with. However, I would like to know from this community what are the major issues you feel we face? If I get the chance I hope to be able to talk with them about more than the current legislative issues and to represent the needs that you see.
Just to start the conversation, I have two big issues that concern me.
1. I think it is a moral hazard that the policy of the medical community is not to screen for early liver problems. Too many learn they are in danger when they are told they have stage 4.
2. Our system is totally unfair to younger people who develop liver disease. The medical problem breaks them financially and grinds their entire families into poverty. Once a patient can no longer work and needs a lot of care their partner often pays the price and the system beggars too many with the outrageous prices for care.
So what are your concerns? I hope that many of you will take the time to comment. I will try to consolidate your views into something I can try to discuss with the lawmakers. I will report back to you how it goes.
It will be most helpful to me if you click on this link and comment in this thread but if you prefer to comment through some other method I will try to consolidate all sources. We don't, as patients, often get an opportunity to speak directly to lawmakers so I hope you support this effort.