hi my nane is cindy i have cirrhosis of athe liver it satarted out as NALFD i just wanted to say take your diagnose serious cause it cab lead to cirrhosis i didnt think it was a big deal and now i wish i would of realized it was a big deal
taking NAFLD serious: hi my nane is... - Living with Fatty...
taking NAFLD serious
Honestly, I think it depends on how much you know about when being diagnosed with it and how it is presented to you. I was dx with ITP & Fatty liver at the same time while in the hospital because of having extremely low platelet count..it was 8,000 (normal range is 150,000-450,000) & I had massive bruising, fatigue, more symptoms. When I was told I also had FL, I had NEVER heard of it (or ITP for that matter) and the doctor that told me about FL said "lose weight, that will help" and that was all that was said the whole time in the hospital. It was not mentioned again by any of my doctors until my AST or ALT levels were raised. I've also been dx with Alpha1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, which might explain my liver issues now. But from the offhanded way and by the brevity of explanation by my doctor, I didn't think much about it.
I agree. My liver levels were up a few years ago, and docs said I had some scarring and that was it. Never told me what to eat or avoid, so I didn't worry about it. Three years later the levels were still up and I got worried and serious. Read everything. Levels are down some, but now I have scarring. I waited too long to do something I think!! Now I'm worried every day, but I watch everything I eat!! Wish docs had given me warnings a few years ago, or wish I had taken control of my situation. So scary now!!