I was told many years ago after a test for gall bladder problems they thought but gall bladder was ok. They told me I had fatty liver and that was all I was told. Now after many years have been told I have a fatty liver and I am going for an Ultrasound on Nov. 6th. Not sure what to think. I am diabetic and not in great health. Have constant IBS syndrome. I live alone now that my daughter recently married and my husband died in 2007 from cancer. I have several mental diagnosis. Diabetes, high blood pressure, IBS and Neuopathy.
Possible: I was told many years ago... - Living with Fatty...
Hi Laura, I had my gall bladder removed a few years ago and I had high liver enzymes. They really didn't tell me anything to do. So I ignored it. This past April I repeated liver tests and enzymes were still high. I panicked, had MRI and decided to help myself!!! I watch every bite I put in my mouth!! I eat almost no meat. A tiny bit of chicken and fish, but try to stick to fruits and veggies. No sugar at all. Almost everything organic. A liver doc put me on Ursodiol and between that and my food the enzymes have come down. Some are still up a little. You can do this!!!! We can do this!!!!! I already have liver scarring, but I hope to prevent anything worse. I also read everything about food every day. Plant based and fruit meals!! Good luck!! You will get better!!! Just watch what you eat!! No fried foods or grease at all... organic if you can!!!!