How do I find out if NAFLD has progressed further, please don't say ask your doctor, he has shown no interest to date. I could do with advice on knowing why and coping with rib pain. As you can see I am fairly new to using this site so I am looking for advice rather than giving it , sorry
Wish I could help, : How do I find out... - Living with Fatty...
Wish I could help,

Hi, I think that there have been one or two people mentioning how difficult it is to get a clear understanding of whether or not NAFLD has progressed and also to get a referral. Very frustrating...hope you can keep trying and make it happen!!
You don't say which doctor you are frustrated with. If it's your GP then push for a referal to a hepatologist who will do further tests.
You do have a right to do this.
Unfortunately this is your only real option of more diagnostic information.
I hope you are helped quickly.
Rita x
A trans juggler Liver Biopsy is the only way to know extent of Disease. A hepatology doctor can treat disease.
Hi, if your insurance doesn't require a referral you can just find a hepatologist or gastrointestinal doctor on your own. In the meantime, try to eat as healthy as you can. I also read your liver loves it when you exercise so get some exercise if you can. I was having continuous pain for several days and then just went for a 30 minute walk with my husband and could not believe it but my pain went away. It's not permanent of course but it worked for awhile. Best of luck to you in getting answers to all your questions.
Hi. I was reading articles on the Internet and found this: Up to 90% of patients with NAFLD have simple steatosis, which carries a relatively benign prognosis,5 with no overall increase in mortality.
I truly believe it is up to us as individuals to stop the progression of this disease by losing weight, eating a healthy diet, severely limiting sugar intake, and concentrating on getting rid of metabolic syndrome.