Hi am Chloe I've recently been diagnosed with FAS I have a EHCP am 16 years old i haven't had no support through school I find it really hard at the moment am doing my GCSES
I've recently been diagnosed with FAS - FASD Support
I've recently been diagnosed with FAS

Hello Chloe, my eldest son is 15 and doing his GCSE's as well. He struggles with remembering things and when it comes to writing detailed answers, however because of his condition i was able to get the school to assess him so that he is able to get extra time, he does his exams away from the others & he is given either a scribe or a word processor. Have you spoken to your parents? Maybe if they are aware that you are struggling and that they can request the school to help then it may help. There is help out there but it can take some fighting, please don't give up.
I've spoken to my parents and they have been into school to talk to teachers but they haven't helped me at all and when I do find my lessons hard i get kicked out and then they excluded me and send me home
Bless you, i know it must be hard, my 2nd son who also has FASD was always getting into 'trouble', which was just his undiagnosed ADD, and getting kicked out, but since his ADD diagnosis and being medicated he is finding it easier. As a parent it is very hard but your parents need to know that they have the right to force the school into getting you the help you both need and deserve. Schools are often reluctant but if you know the right things to say then it can be done. It is worth finding out who the school senco is and asking your parents to speak to them.

Chloe, there is help available through school. Speak with your form tutor and get your parent/carer to go to school and talk to them and they will see what extra things they can do. Doing GCSE's is very hard for everyone and if you are not getting support then you have done very well in continuing to work hard in school. There is a group which is led by someone with FASD who supports other young people with FASD. You may like to connect up to that some time. In the meantime keep talking to your family and share your concerns as they are sure to want to support you too.
Hi Chloe,
First of all, well done for seeking further help. Secondly, do not worry, this can be sorted out. Ask your carers to email familysupport@fasdtrust.co.uk The FASD Trust will be able to offer your carers some advice and support in order to help you to feel better supported and happier at school.
Hi Chloe
I'm really sorry you aren't feeling supported by your school. You should have access to a school nurse who can help you with this. If you don't know who this is then ask the school for their contact details they should know. If still no joy your GP can contact them for you. They can be really helpful in these circumstances and can liaise with you and your family and school. There is also an education guide on FASD trust website which you could direct them to. Ask your year head for an email address and if your able down load it and email to them. If not direct them to the website and ask them to print off a copy. If you email the trust yourself (their email is on the website under contact us) they will post you a copy of the leaflet they have for schools which explains the issues you may be facing very well. I have just done this recently for my daughters school. I am also a school nurse and know that they can help you if you get in touch with them.
I hope that's helpful, lots of luck and don't give up! You have every right to support x