Could anyone tell me where i am able to get a FAS diagnosis in the north west area. I live in Merseyside and my paediatrician has told me that alder hey hospital, the main children's hospital does not do it?
Could anyone tell me where i am able to get a FAS diagnosis in the north west area. I live in Merseyside and my paediatrician has told me that alder hey hospital, the main children's hospital does not do it?
Our children were referred by Paediatrician too GENETICS CLINIC. , they came too the house 1st did an assessment and valuation, then make an appointment were diagnosed within a few weeks, find that they may diagnose with a difference's., the same but without the stigma of FAS FASD , Chromosome dysfunctions, ARND, not sure of actual terms., but any diagnosis will help with access too support.
Manchester has a very good Genetic Clinic has FAS FASD experience think this is the closest too you.
Also see www,fasaware.co.uk for details of NHS FAS FASD Diagnostic Clinic in Surry and referral advice
Our son doesn't have the classic facial features. We were referred for genetics testing to rule out certain conditions, and also a further referral to rule out autism. We were lucky in that a local specialist works with Dr Mukherjee and so pushed hard for a referral to his clinic.
Many thanks for this info. I have now found out that Alder Hey does do the genetic testing. I was given the wrong info by the paediatrian. Really good to know that they were diagnosed within a few weeks. Thank you.
Hello we had 2 girls diagnosed with Fas at Ormskirk Hospital.We live in Southport and that is where the girls seen the pediatrician first.A few months later the genetics dept made the diagnosis.The Doctors work for Liverpool womens nhs foundation trust which is associated to Alder hey childrens nhs foundation trust.
The girls were both diagnosed this summer so I would speak to your pediactrician again or at worst contact ALDER HEY tel 0151 802 5001.Good LUCK.
sorry I have only just read your post. My daughter was referred to alder hey by our health visitor. We saw a geneticist from the Womens hospital called Dr Ian Ellis who diagnosed the FASD which i had long suspected despite being told by placing authority she didnt have it. I would ask to be referred to him. good luck x sorry this was almost 3 yrs ago but i am sure he is still doing this