Posts - Facial Palsy UK | HealthUnlocked

Facial Palsy UK

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All posts for July 2018

Bells Paslsy

Hi, I was diagnosed with bells palsy six months ago. My face has gotten all func...
Airdog profile image

Pain in the neck

Second week into Bells Palsey that affected left side of face. On prednisone at...
Doodles317 profile image


I'm 57 yr old female I was 9 yrs old when I first had Bell Palsy it was 1969 . I...
Jazzmanstar profile image
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I was diagnosed with bells 3days ago , my left hand side of face isn't working a...

Synkinesis after bell's palsy

After recovering from bell's palsy I'm facing synkinesis problem. Can someone pl...
Bawa786 profile image

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