Recently diagnosed with Bell's Palsy... - Facial Palsy UK

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Recently diagnosed with Bell's Palsy...

Samantha1234 profile image
8 Replies

Hello, this is my first post writing on these forums and not sure what to really say or do, but here it goes.. :)

I originally went to the doctors last Tuesday morning to find out if I had an ear infection, they prescribed me some ear drops and sent me on my way. Later than day whilst I was working, a few friends from work noticed my left side of my face was droopy and instructed me to go back to the doctors.. At first I was ignoring the comments, just thinking they were over reacting, however, I felt a few things change with the way I was talking and blinking, so I arranged to visit another doctor the same day. Within minutes, the doctor diagnosed me with Bell's Palcy and gave me steroids and eye drops. Printed out a leaflet on what Bell's Palcy was and sent me on my way again. Within a few days my face isn't as lob sided; however, my left eye and left side of my mouth has stopped working. My speech is becoming very slurred and struggling with certain letters. (P's and b's mainly). My right eye is constantly straining from having do to additional work to relieve my left eye. I can't feel my left side of my nose, the pressure behind my ear and jaw throbs constantly and was told today I also have an outer AND inner ear infection to add to my Bells Palsy.

I am trying to remain positive and laugh it off, but I can already feel myself retreating to my room not wanting to venture outside for the fear of everyone looking at me. I can't smile, I can't drink properly and chewing food is becoming increasingly impossible.

How is this illness caused?! I get no straight answers. there must be something to trigger it. Can Bell's palsy get worse or is this it now? Do we just wait it out and hope for the best, or is there actually things that we could be doing that is known to improve the recovery chances?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and all responses are welcome. I would like to talk to people in the same situation as me, recently diagnosed or people who have unfortunately suffered a longer stint of this illness.

Thanks :)

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Samantha1234 profile image
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8 Replies
amancalledalex profile image

Hi Samantha,

Thanks for posting on here. Now I can't answer you questions because to be honest i don't know the answers. Facial Palsy can happen for a number of reasons. Can I signpost to you to a few resources that might help you out? I work with Facial Palsy UK and they have a good website here ( The Bells Palsy association also have a website here: I have found a quick FAQ about Bells Palsy that might help you out ( but I think the point that I'd make is that everyone's experience is slightly different. Hope that helps!

Hi Samantha

My Bells Palsy came out 4 years ago in exactly the same way as yours I had earache and was told it was ear infection Two days later the pain was worse and then my eye and mouth started to drop

Try and get Physiotherapy and /or acupuncture to help loosen the muscles and you have to be patient Recovery will be slow as nerve damage can take a long time to repair

Bells Palsy can be caused by a viral infection that attacks the facial nerve The cold sore virus(herpes) and the Chickenpox virus can both attack the nerve They lie dormant in the body and are a common cause of BP but other viruses can also be responsible

Talking to others with the same problem can really help You are not alone with this problem

Get in touch with Facial Palsy UK as they have various support groups around the country

Best wishes


Catpin profile image

Hi - sorry to hear you have Bells - I was diagnosed just under 3 weeks ago, and since then it's been suggested I may have Ramsay Hunt, another sort of version of Bells, but no one seems sure. I found even with the steriods it deteriorated within the first three days, pain increased then it's levelled off after 2 weeks. I know some of what you're going through, it's truly terrifying, I've had three Drs appointments and an a&e visit, but I promise it will get easier in days, you learn to cope with the words and eating and I find wearing an eye patch helps my eye and gives me an interesting look....! And people will stare but it gets easier to ignore them! Walk tall and don't forget, you are still you. Don't be afraid to reach out to people. I'm not sure why it happens, but I've taken it as a sign to slow down, remember you are poorly so, as someone said to me, be kind to yourself.

Personally, I like to be proactive and question the doctors and I am still looking into what might be done, if anything, and have asked for a referral for further investigations. My advice would be listen to your body, take it easy and I found it therapeutic to do a video diary for the first few days to help myself come to terms with it. It's challenged my sense of self, not always easy, I've tried to look at everything positively, but forgive yourself if sometimes you feel low, it's perfectly natural.

You will be ok, look after yourself and I hope you get better very soon x

hje23 profile image

Hello. I originally had it 15 years ago, but had a relapse in 2013. Both times mine was caused by a virus. You are still early days and you have to be patient and let your body recover. This time around they knew more about bell's palsy, so the care I've had has been different. I suggest you ask your gp to refer you to a specialist and take it from there, as bell's effects us all differently, so we all need different treatment. I saw an ent specialist first and then started physio at my local hospital, before being referred to the facial palsy clinic at another hospital, where I now see a physiotherapist who specialises in facial palsy. Most of my issues are being sorted by physiotherapy, which is going to be a long process, but I can see a difference already. I also know that there may come a time when I might have to have both for the muscle in my neck, but trying physio first. I recently had a minor op to sort my watering eye, which fingers crossed looks to have worked, as for the first time in 15 years I can eat a meal without my eye watering.

Don't hide away in your room, if you do that, you let it beat you. You need to stay positive and take each little improvement as a success. The virus I had left me very tired and I was so pleased when I could finally get up in the mornings and shower, get dressed, dry my hair and eat my breakfast, without having a sleep after each task.

I hope you get the care you need and good luck.

Lana291 profile image

Hi Samantha,

Sorry to hear your news and thank you for sharing your story.I had BP twice in a short space of time.First time went away withing 2 weeks with no help from the doctors, just vanished .A few months later a had another BP on the other side of my face and it took me a few months to recover, my eye did not shut, could not eat or speak properly.My gp gave me eye drops to keep my eye moist,also I had a steroid tablets as a course.I had all possible doctors and treatments available. I would suggest to use eye drops or even tape the eye at night.Speak slowly and concentrate on the words, do not rush and take your time, listen to your body.I found that it was more uncomfortable in cold, so keep warm.I work in skin and beauty industry and you can imagine how difficult it was to speak to people. Please see your friends and family, go out and be sociable, it is very difficult thing to do, but you have to try. I would suggest to try out acupuncture ,some people get good results. As for food, eat on both sides slowly, drinking or fluids can be challenging.I wish you all the best and speedy recovery! It will happen, try to relax and concentrate on other things, do gentle facial massage points, have a look online, it will be painful on nerve points, but it is good sign. Half of my face was like before and after Botox pictures, while practicing raising my brows, closing my eyes, smiling on both sides in front of the mirror I began to see my wrinkles back, and oh boy I was SO happy.Be patient and take your time.We are here for you!Love lana

Samantha1234 profile image

Thank tou for all taking time out to reply to my post. I need some reassurance with my's getting worse. It's very swollen, red and very tender to touch. I have a lump just below my ear that is killing me and causing a tremendous amount of pain. I've been putting ice on it to numb the pain but I don't know what else to do. I feel quite dizzy today too and my general well-being is low.

I know I have an ear infection aswell as Bell's palsy, but how do I know what it normal and what is not? I'm so frightened of getting more problems in my face, I feel like phoning my doctors again, but I know they will send me away without any answers. Can anyone relate to this ear problem? The massive lump? The dizziness?

Thanks again, and I really do appreciate all your help and best wishes. X

Catpin profile image
Catpin in reply to Samantha1234

Hi, sorry only just read this - I hope you're ear is ok - this happened to me, did you get your ear sorted? I was told it was an infection, then found it was the virus that caused Ramsay Hunt which is a different form of Bell's palsy. Not a worry though - I don't want you to worry about what things might be based on other peoples experience, I found the Internet can be both a source of comfort, and source of terror. But in the interest of support, solidarity and advice - for me, the pain was out of this world - lasted about 5 days, then ear swelling went down after a week. Like everyone says - everyone is different, but make sure you go to the doctors because it's scary not knowing, I had tremendous trouble being diagnosed properly, get a specialist referral, for reassurance and any further investigations - I've had an MRI and waiting for next steps - personally I like to be proactive as it gives me a little bit more control or comfort.

Drop me a reply if you feel you'd like to, I was just struck by the similarities - but see doctors to find out your particular brand of this palsy, and based on my current experience, it will get better and you will find good positive ways of dealing with it xxx

KISSYLIPS profile image

Hi Samantha I suffered from Bells palsy and recovered in 4 weeks. You need steroids and anti virals preferably in the first 72 hours...keep possitive and believe you will recover. I had accupuncture and it helped. good luck regards Tracey

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