hi there. I had a meningioma removal surgery and woke up with face palsy after it. 2.5 months later, I have a few questions:
1) face is “symmetric” now and I am feeling some moviments on the face as I move the eyes and the mouth (not visible though). What exercises should I do? Different physios gave me different directoons! I am very confused…
2) eye. I am treating eye and closing it in the evening. It is almost closing. And blinking 3/4s through. What is next step? Any exercise now to help it close? How do I know it is 100% recovered?
3 IMPORTANT: I had surgery in Brazil. After 2.5 months there I moved back to the UK. It was 35oC there and now it is cold here - with most places with heater inside on top of cold wind outdoors. Is COLD wind bad for the recovery of the nerve? Can I go outdoors normally? Or should cover face?
I would appreciate help with these questions! Thx