Is there much research or understanding about why children and toddlers are getting constipated so much? It seems so many are being treated for constipation but I haven't seen any discussions on why this constipation is happening to try and avoid it. I understand low fibre and reduced fluid intake can contribute, and a high amount of dairy products and anxiety around using the toilet. Are their any parents on here that have success stories of kids adjusting from nappies to using the toilet regularly without medication?
Reason for constipation: Is there much research or... - ERIC
Reason for constipation
While for some children the constipation can be put down to dehydration or a food intolerance, or very rarely another underlying problem, for most children with constipation have 'idiopathic' or 'functional' constipation. Both these terms mean that there is no diagnosable underlying cause. The treatment is the same - sufficient laxatives to clear them out if they are impacted and then sufficient to keep them passing a soft good amount of poo most days.
There is lots of information on this subject on the Eric website.
Yep I think my daughter falls into the idiopathic or functional constipation categories with no diagnosable underlaying cause which I understand can be down to a behavioural change due to physiological sensitivity to the transition out of nappies and / or reaction to the surrounding environment? So treating the emotions with empathy and reducing stress in the surrounding environment may be of use in these instances to avoid future relapse of constipation? She also eats a lot of sweet things (natural sugars) and ketchup! Alongside a lot of fruit and veg and healthy food. Processed food could be a contributing factor but we are a result of society at the end of the day and I find it almost impossible to avoid!
I have read and also believe that the lifestyle of toddlers is a contributing factor. In years gone by, toddlers typically spent the majority of time at home with one caregiver in a slower environment. Now toddlers have nursery, preschool, play dates, classes etc. and they simply don’t have enough time to do nothing and focus on bodily functions! After having a really tough time with our eldest boy (he is almost 7 with withholding/constipation issues since the age of 2.5) we took a different approach with our youngest. He started showing signs of being able to use the potty at 20 months so we went with it, cancelled all playgroups etc. for 3 weeks and just stayed at home naked with no pressure and he just got it, medication free. He’s never really had any accidents since and no constipation issues. I think in general we have slowed down our lifestyle but totally appreciate that I am a stay at home mum and this isn’t an option for most. These books are a good read for context…
This is very inciteful thank you. I feel starting potty training too soon for my daughter and her going out to forest school was a big contributing factor to her holding behaviour and I'm sure if it was just us two in a calmer environment we wouldn't have had these issues. But equally I choose to work and I know she gets a lot from being out and about in the world also. I felt I was on a time constraint to 'train' her during the holidays and I heard a few success stories of potty training at 2 so thought I was holding her back when in reality I don't think she was ready. I wish I'd been more assertive with the childcare asking them to leave her in nappies longer and not pressure her to be in knickers like the other big kids as that's the message that was portrayed but as a first time parent I didn't feel overly confident with my approach. Maybe some interesting reading for any other parents out their questioning their judgement due to a lack of practice. We are all doing our best at the end of the day and it's a learning curve. I appreciate your response thank you!