my son started potty training about 2.5yo; he will be 3 in around 4 months time. He took to doing wees very well. He intially pooped on the potty but intermittently. He then became quite anxious about it and would have frequent bowel movement accidents or would hold. He goes through waves of having some success but then will get anxious again and it all goes out the window. He tends to be holding and saving until he wakes in the morning and goes in a nappy. We left him in nappies overnight for now since he was struggling with the poop side of potty training.
Nursery are not concerned (they suggested potty training in the first place) but we are starting to get worried that if it becomes a “thing” for longer then it might start to lead to worse problems if he has negative associations with bowel movements and withholds longer. The maximum time at the moment is about 2-4 days. He will then (in his nappy most often) go once a day.
Is this all normal and part of the process or worth speaking to a GP about. It’s hard to find clear information online.