We are on day 7 of disimpaction, 8 sachets per day. My daughter is 5 and we followed the program for 1-5 year olds.
In the beginning we had a couple of huge poos, first one more "cow pat" consistency, and then another that was definitely runny, but thick and really filled a nappy (she will not poo on toilet yet, that is next step I hope!).
I thought it was all going quite well, however yesterday we had no poo at all, and none yet today. Does this seem normal? She still wears a nappy for bedtime and there was a very small amount of watery poo in the nappy this morning, I'd describe it as more of a "skid mark".
I have revisited the ERIC guide to disimpaction for advice and it looks the regime for older kids is aged 5-12 years so I'm wondering if I should have followed that guide instead, I just saw 1-5 years and assumed that was the one for us. Should I increase the dosage to 10 sachets, or are we on track? Has anyone experienced this before? I had expected daily poos getting more watery as the week goes on. There is definitely less soiling as she was having 2-3 accidents per day before this.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I was hoping to have everything cleared and to be on the maintenance dose before back to school next Monday. Fingers crossed I still can.