Hi guys,
New here! My daughter started withholding poo when she was potty training and now in hindsight I think her bowel is stretched. She often doesn't go for a few days and when she does go.it is enormous. Recently it has been hurting so she has been withholding again and making it worse (she's now 4). She has been on movicol for about a week and it has helped to soften her stool and she is going more regularly. Now it doesn't hurt she is not as worried about going so isn't holding it.
However she has begun soiling herself. Now it is like she doesn't know when she needs a poo. Has anyone experienced this before? I am not sure if it because she is used to doing such difficult poos. Or I have also read that constipation itself can cause soiling if there is a blockage. I have read about disimpaction on the Eric site but I am not sure whether this is the right thing to do. I don't want to the experience to traumatise her and she has just started school so I don't want to keep her off if possible.
I just wondered if anyone had any similar experiences or advice?
Thank you.