Hi my son is 3 years old, he was toilet trained back in August . He took took to it really well and was pretty much dry in 2 weeks. During that time we started to notice his poos were never really that solid,but to be honest his diet wasn't that great as he got very fussy with his food. In the past we thought he might have an allergy to milk as he would be sick with anything with milk in, but this also Co insided with illness, so was never really sure. We started the milk ladder in February and got up to yoghurt and he hasn't been sick, he won't eat cheese or drink milk. He started day nursery in September and is eating more of a variety of foods but his poos were still quiet loose.Then he wouldn't poo for a couple of days then have a solid poo followed by the overflow. Spoke do Dr they prescribed Laxido but it just makes him so loose he doesn't realise he's going.
It's getting a little frustrating now as his nursery keeps ringing to collect him.
We cut down the amount of Laxido, still very loose we, then stopped it last Mon and he seemed OK but hadn't pooed again for 2 days,then did a little one and then all the back flow
We just don't know what to do -we have stopes the laxido as we feelnits unfair on him.
Any advice? Thanks