My son is 5 he is fully toilet trained in the day for wee's but will not sit on the toilet to poo will only use pull ups. He is autistic so we have tried everything that is comfortable for him but he will just hold it in if we tell him there is no pull ups , which in the long run will do him damage. Anyone have any tips or advice that have been in a similar situation with a child who has additional needs?
My 5 year old son won't sit on the toilet to poo - ERIC
My 5 year old son won't sit on the toilet to poo

I don’t have any advice apart from I agree with not withholding the pull-up. My son starts school in September and will also only poo in a pull up. He’s been suffering with Encopresis since January as he’s always hated doing a poo and unfortunately I did go down the ‘no more pull ups route’ where he didn’t go for 2 days which I do regret now, not fully understanding the consequences at the time. I’ve tried stories, singing, blowing bubbles, watching dvd, playing with toys he just goes from ‘I need a poo’ to ‘oh I don’t need one anymore’ if he doesn’t get a pull up. So I give him one as my main concern now is that he goes. It’s frustrating and time consuming and during disimpaction, pretty revolting. A week ago he took a big step by pooing in a pull up that was placed under the seat (his idea) and I told him well done and how he’d taken a big step, I didn’t make too much fuss as didn’t want to put pressure on him but I felt hopeful. Next night, back to business as usual in a pull up. I really don’t know when things are going to change for the better. I feel for you as must be doubly tough if your son has additional needs. As far as I know, my son doesn’t but he is so strong willed and it’s hard to persuade him to do otherwise. I would add, he’s on Movicol and Senna but still holds it in. I don’t know how he does it! Sorry no help but you’re not alone, there will be other parents on here who will be able to give good advice/tips and I hope they work for you and your son. Best wishes.
Hello, no advice but wanted to say I am in the exact same position. 5 year old autistic boy who will only poo in a pull up. If we withhold the pull up he gets so distressed it's not worth it. I'm rolling with it and hope that we'll get there one day as we have done with the wees. If you find a good solution, let me know. Good luck.