I look after a little boy who is 2 years 9 months - mum started potty training with him and he has absolutely nailed the wees straight away... however poos are another matter!
He will say he needs a poo, and we will go up and down to the toilet several times before he ends up doing the poo in his pants. We have tried various things, putting a nappy on the toilet seat, sitting on the potty rather than the toilet, sitting on the toilet 10 mins after meals etc but he won't go.
Mum tried the same when she had him home all week last week, but nothing worked and eventually he stopped asking for a poo or telling her he had been so she backed off.
Our concern is that he is now withholding... we have been up and down to the toilet several times this morning (quite whiffy trumps so can tell he needs to go) and he is getting upset that it hurts to poo? He last went on Sunday whilst in the bath (the warm water after cooked meal got things moving)
Any top tips to keep things moving?