My 8 year old son is constantly soiling his pants. He does not have the sensation to go to the toilet. We have just been referred to the paediatrician but any advice appreciated?
Why does my son soil himself all the time?: My 8 year... - ERIC
Why does my son soil himself all the time?
He could be constipated and has lost the feeling of being to go to the toilet. My 8 year old was like that a few years ago. Your son may need disimpacting and a toilet routine in place.
I would look up constipation on the internet and go armed to the Paediatrician with information. A lot of them are useless with constipation. ERIC is a good website to use and tells you how to disimpact. They've also got a helpline you can call for advice.
Watch the poo nurses video online, you can just google poo nurses. GPs vary in their understanding of constipation. In terms of meds it helps to have a softener and a stimulant usually. Eg movicol and Senna. Disimpaction is most likely the way to go followed by highish maintenance dose which you then reduce down gradually. There’s tons of info on this forum so read through old posts for some great advice, good luck x