currently disimpacting, poo is now runny brown liquid, literally falls out of him. Are we nearly there in achieving disimpaction ? Its been like this last few days.
Disimpaction : currently disimpacting, poo is now runny... - ERIC

Hi, we're doing one now too! Our nurse advised that we must have 3 full days of watery/tea like stools with no formed pieces. We're on day 14 now and still getting chicken nuggets (as we call it)! The bristol stool chart has been helping us categorise his poop's, we get a lot of 'porridge' but that's as far as we've got. Sounds like you're nearly there, but it must be 3 full days, then slowly reduce the dose until you get type 4 or 5 on the bristol stool cart. Good luck!
This is where we are now but we've been advised to keep going until it turns into yellow and then stay there for 3 consecutive days. We actually had a korma colour last night, which I'm very happy about, this was after 4 days of brown water. Good luck!
Sounds like you’re at poo soup stage - so you’re close! It needs to look like water with small bits in. If you stop at poo soup stage and there’s more up there, it will just coat to everything still up there and make it worse! Trust me!
Keep going you’re on the right track.
Thanks everyone, good to know we're almost there!
I would- based on my own bitter experience!!