My daughter went to school in September 2019 without being fully toilet trained. She had so many soiling accidents that school couldn’t cope and had to put her into pull ups, which didn’t help at all! Over the Christmas break we had her in underwear all the time (except for bedtime) and she had no accidents at home over the Christmas break and toilet trained. She then carried this on when she went to school in January until about three weeks ago when she got a water infection and started having wet accidents again. She got over the infection but has started having soiled accidents in school again. She doesn’t have any soiled accidents at home or when we go out places. It seems to happen in the afternoon each day at school and when she’s heavily engrossed in either playing or doing something. Both us and school are at such a loss because her stool is quite loose and goes everywhere when she souls herself and she also doesn’t seem to notice or care when she’s done it cause she doesn’t tell anyone at school after she’s done it. Nobody has any idea why this is happening 🥺
My 4 year old daughter keeps soiling herself at schoo... - ERIC
My 4 year old daughter keeps soiling herself at school but not at home 🥺

Does she have a routine of daily sitting on the toilet after lunch in school? Movement often helps so eating lunch, running around for 20 mins followed by 10min on the loo might help. Also sitting on the loo after hot drink and breakfast in the morning might help. It’s important they have the opportunity to really relax and take their time. Poor kids are always feeling so rushed at school!
I know 🥺 But they’ve got a pretty good routine with her at school and they ask her to try on the toilet every like 20 minutes throughout the day!
Hi. I have a 4yr at school too, with wetting issues. We tried with the support of the teachers reminding her. Which did work for a time. We have bought the watch alarm from the shop , it has 8 alarms which you can set. This works well. But we have an issue at the childminders now of an afternoon although there are 2 alarms set for when she is there. We dont have any issues at home or if we go out. I know it can be so frustrating, as my daughter understands whats happening, and we have a good routine. Maybe try the watch. Hope this helps a little
Do you think she might be constipated? When does she poo at home? Mornings or evenings? My son is constantly constipated and soils all the time but lots seems to come out at school after lunch
She poops quite frequently at home and it’s always like mushy sort of like it’s not pebbles which sometimes indicates constipation x
My granddaughter is the complete opposite, I think she found pooing herself in school embarrassing and that motivated her to take herself to the toilet at school and not use her pullups all the time.
She was still coming home wet and there was some poo from her not wiping but it was a huge amount of progress from needing changed several times trough the school day.
Unfortunately now the schools are closed she's back to her old habits, but it's so much worse changing her nappies after she's dirty knowing that she can be clean when she motivates herself.
Nappy 24/7