Currently my daughter is on 2 sachets of laxido a day. Why is she still doing 7-9 small porridge consistency poos a day? Before I give more laxitives should I get to the doctor? The incontinence team don't have the answer. While at school she's coming home so sore. To add she's never toilet trained and has Global Development Delay.
Are laxitives the answer? : Currently my daughter is on... - ERIC
Are laxitives the answer?

Have you ever disimpacted her?
We have done disimpaction once. I suppose thats why I'm questioning is laxitives the answer. I'm going to ring the doctors today. I think we need to speak with a bowel specialist. Thank you for your reply.
I would say that laxatives will help and for a while after the dismpaction. When you disimpacted did you achieve rusty water looking poo, stay there for a few days before reducing the doses down very very slowly i.e. 12,12,12,11,11,11,10,10,10 and so on until you reached a suitable maintenance dose? Often multiple disimpactions are required.
I actually managed to get her to the doctor today. He's had a feel and thinks she has a blockage. I've started disimpaction tonight!!! Last time we followed the direction of the incontinence team. This time I'll wait until we get watery poo before reducing. I am wondering if she needs a higher maintenance dose of laxitive to acheive less soils in a day. Thanks for your help its nice to know I'm not alone with this.
I’d try disimpacting her and possibly adding in a stimulant laxative (e.g. senna) to try and get it all out in one poo a day. Th e reason why you need to disimpact is that there may be a blockage that the soft poo is gradually going around (hence ending up with multiple accidents).
We have done disimpaction previously. Rather than assume there's a blockage I would like to know if this is her problem. Thanks for your reply.
In the absence of an X-ray you have 2 options at finding out what’s going on in her bowel. You can do a sweet corn test or you can start the disimpaction process. The number of sachets it takes until she reaches the brown rusty will indicate whether there is a backlog of poo. If she gets there quickly then she wasn’t backed up, the longer it takes the more backed up she was.
Even though she isn’t toilet trained I would still encourage her to have a sit on the toilet (feet supported, knees higher than hips), 20-30 minutes after every mealtimes as this will help her empty her bowel.