My 4 year old started school last week and up until 3 weeks a go she was in nappies 24 7 due to having issues not knowing when she needed a poo, she also statred having wet nappies during the day. With school looming we took away her day nappy / pullup as we were embaressed sending her to school not in knickers. she has several accidents a day whilst at school and at home it's becoming very stressful. We look forward to bedtime just so she is nappied and we can relax and enjoy her company without the stress of accidents. Would it be wrong to let her wear a nappy or pullup after school or at weekends? She is starting a big milestone by going to school and I simply want to make home life stress free and enjoyable.
Taking a break : My 4 year old started school last week... - ERIC
Taking a break
I think you need to sort the accidents out and why they're happening. I can understand where you're coming from as we've been there too. Is your daughter constipated? That can effect the nerves and stop them having the feeling of needing to go to the toilet. That's what happened to us. I'd get her checked out by a GP.
Personally I’d put her in pull ups and ask for the schools support. If she wets in her pants now she will learn to accept that feeling of being wet. Is she constipated? Damaged from being constipated or having problems knowing when she needs? I really feel for you and trust me I can imagine how this is. Iv had many a problem with this. So much that Iv bought two of every bit of clothing for my daughter so If she needs change , no one will notice. I hope the school are supportive. I don’t know how I’d have coped if my daughters school weren’t. They take her to the toilet after lunch to sit for 5/10 minutes every day. She has a toilet pass so she can go when she like. Even In the play ground she just shows her pass. Good luck and do what’s right for you ❤️ Xx
Do what you need to for your sanity. Our daughter is 7 next month and has been out of nappies since aged 2 and not made any progress at all. Literally wet and pooey all day. We’ve had probably 100 appointments with every level up to urologist and they’ve given up on her. She’s had the drugs ( child ones and even adult ones!) and No progress at all. It has been a nightmare and is only going to get worse as she gets older. I would love to put her in nappies. Then the 4 year old has no wee issues at all but diarrhoea and so isn’t allowed in school!!! But her poo is diarrhoea. That’s what it’s like. Right now I want to move to an island where nobody will judge and put nappies on them both and enjoy life!