Has anyone had any experience of Oxybutynin making daytime wetting worse at first? My almost 7 year old has just started taking it and in the last three days has been fully wetting herself instead of just the spots in her pants that she used to have. It's almost as if it has relaxed the muscles so much that she now has less control over them. Just wondering if it will get better or if she's on the wrong treatment. Could be that she's just more anxious about it now that she's on medicine. Any advice gratefully received.
Oxybutynin making problem worse: Has anyone had any... - ERIC
Oxybutynin making problem worse

My son has just started a couple of weeks ago and having the same issue.. I thought maybe the bladder is holding a bit more and that’s why the accidents are bigger?
What dose is your daughter on?
My son is on 1/2 a 5mg tablet each morning... my GP said not to give him more than that... however, from what I’ve read online most children seem to be on a whole 5mg tablet twice a day.. so I was wondering if his dose was letting his bladder fill up a bit more but not high enough to stop it from contracting.
Hopefully somebody with more experience can comment..
Is she also drinking more water now in order to stretch the bladder as well as taking the medication? This may be why the wetting has got worse in these first few days. My daughter takes two tablets in the morning and two before bed and we were warned at the start that combined with increasing fluid intake it may make things worse to start with. She has been on the medication for over a year now and it has definitely helped with less urgency and frequency in the day. Hope this helps.