Disimpaction hacks : Hi, I’m on day 2 of disimpaction... - ERIC


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Disimpaction hacks

Livbutterfly profile image
24 Replies

Hi, I’m on day 2 of disimpaction for my 3 year old son and it’s been a challenge getting the movicol into him. It’s actually made me realise how little fluid he drinks. Has anyone got any tricks or tips they can share? I’ve mixed with juice, cordial or milk today - and made some lollies & ice cubes for tomorrow but I can see it’s going to be a nightmare when we get up to 8 a day!



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Livbutterfly profile image
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24 Replies
Finnish2 profile image

No advice, but I’m in exactly the same situation with my 2 year 9 month old. It’s his second day in 4 today. I’ve bought some innocent smoothies and fruit shoots for the next few days. 🙄

Livbutterfly profile image
Livbutterfly in reply to Finnish2

Actually fruit shoots are a good idea as he’s not allowed them very often’ thanks x And good luck with your routine x

Finnish2 profile image
Finnish2 in reply to Livbutterfly

Good luck too! Hope they both get sorted out quickly! X

emarsh profile image

I have had two kids on Movicol and the best way to 'hide' it for us was by putting it in Nesquick hot chocolate / milkshake. You still need to dissolve the movicol in a very small amount of water but then added to a beaker of made up nesquik - my kids happily drank it. Worth a try. Good Luck!

Livbutterfly profile image
Livbutterfly in reply to emarsh

Thanks. I’m not sure he’ll like hot chocolate but I’ll give it a go. Thanks x

Tamlyn74 profile image
Tamlyn74 in reply to Livbutterfly

It's not hot chocolate. It can be drunk with cold milk

ivory_47 profile image

We’ve just been adding it to milk or fruit juice - just poured the powder straight in instead of dissolving with water first. That way the taste was least affected, as it’s not so watered down. It still works fine, providing they drink sufficient fluid throughout the day. We were giving our daughter a lot of juices (usually mixed with water). It’s not that good for them, but better that than being impacted. I have read that you can add it to jelly too - if he likes that?

Livbutterfly profile image
Livbutterfly in reply to ivory_47

I know I’m the same - usually I’m trying to limit juice and now I’m like a broken record asking ‘do you want a juice?’ 😆

Tamlyn74 profile image

I'm the same, my lad can detect it in anything. I made a chocolate shake (nesquik type) then measured out 62ml and he's drunk that. also blackcurrant juice can mask it too. Best bet is to taste it yourself so you know what it's like and why they aren't keen on it. Also watch the vid on YouTube called Poo Nurse. They can explain things better. Good luck

Misty10 profile image

I mix ours in a jug with lemonade and keep in fridge. I make up the movlcoil with the water stir then add lemonade with it and pour into cups and drink with a straw every two hours a cup full. well as a litre of different fluids inbetween as u need to flush his bowels out.

Hot chocolate, ice lollies, soups smoothies apple juice orange juice pure.all sugar free.and make sure u brush their teeth more often. That's all I do.was hell at first but she got use to it now.

Livbutterfly profile image
Livbutterfly in reply to Misty10

Thanks ... I did wonder about putting it in soup or other foods but wasn’t sure that was Ok.

. I’m finding it difficult to track how much exactly he’s having as he might not always finish a drink etc so I’m working on the basis of over rather than under doing the dosage!

Misty10 profile image
Misty10 in reply to Livbutterfly

Hi yes I'm strict with my lg she only on four now a day was on eight last mth.

I keep a diary with fluid and poo chart type etc smelly or not.daily.so then I have proof for her peads and continence team.to get the full benefits from movlcoil I sit with my LG and watch her drink it all up.then she has a little treat she chooses strawberries.

Finnish2 profile image

How’s your little one getting on? I’ve noticed a big difference in Lochlan today. Not quite there yet, but his appetite has increased loads and he’s much more active and full of fun x

Livbutterfly profile image
Livbutterfly in reply to Finnish2

Yes same here. He’s been full of joy today - and he’s eating better - proper meals rather than just wanting cereal all the time! Actually, it was a lot easier to get the 6 sachets down him today too👍

OlivesYou profile image

Hi! I’ve struggled with that with my son. I started to put it in sports drinks. (Not watered down)Vitamin water. Lucozade Sport. Bonus with electrolytes added 👍🏼

My son will only drink it ice cold.

Also try to get him up and moving about. Swimming, jumping on trampoline, playing with a big bouncy ball etc.

The more active he is the more he drinks.

I also tend to give a small bowl of chips or pretzels. (If he just isn’t moving around) any type of snack that makes him thirsty.

Makes him thirsty and he drinks!! See if you can make a drinking goal and then have a reward ⭐️

⭐️Important to figure out if he can taste it in his drink, you could consider spreading it out over a few different drinks maybe?

Livbutterfly profile image
Livbutterfly in reply to OlivesYou

It was a lot easier today - some mixed with milk on his weetabix & some with this OJ. Then later I gave home a really juicy blackcurrent juice but didn’t add any extra water and a fruit shoot and job done. 👍

OlivesYou profile image

Nicely done momma! 🤗🤗

One day at a time...

Skyfullofstars1 profile image

Hi, I mix my daughters with oat milk and nesquik milk shake powder and she drinks it in a cup with a lid and straw while she play on her tablet on the loo every day as I shower. At crisis point I mixed it with all different flavours of custard, yogurt, orange juice hides it well. Good luck ❤️ xx

Livbutterfly profile image
Livbutterfly in reply to Skyfullofstars1

Thanks. I hadn’t thought about custard - that’s a good one x

Misty10 profile image

Yogurt angel delight trifles I add ours to anything mix it up and stir with water first.

Tamlyn74 profile image

Hi all. Can anyone advise on mixing the movicol as I don't understand why people are giving their kids it in big drinks etc. My doc said to make 62.5ml which is approx 1/4 cup. I'll make up a bigger drink then decant into a smaller cup to get about a quarters worth and then mix the sachet into it and make him drink the lot (practically head lock style cus he won't drink it otherwise).

If I put the sachet in anything like custard or rice pudding or yoghurt he wouldn't finish it and only have 2-3 spoons so that method is out of the question so I've only got liquids to play with and even that's hard work but he does drink when he knows there's no movicol in it. He's just gone 3.

Starting nursery in September and even potty training hasn't happened as he's no interest and they want them toilet trained before they start!!!!. Waiting on appt from community paediatric but they ain't rushing themselves. At a loss.

He's on 1 sachet and his poos are like water and the house stinks of shit all the time.

Livbutterfly profile image
Livbutterfly in reply to Tamlyn74

Hi there , you need to mix with 62-5ml water per sachet and then you can disguise the taste by adding it to juice milk or any other drink. It doesn’t count towards their fluid intake as the water stays in the bowel so you need to make sure he drinks plenty of fluids. A lot of people try adding to jelly yogurt etc as when they’re on a lot of sachets (mines on 8 a day) it’s a struggle to get them to drop no that much! Hope this helps x ps there’s a group called Movicol mummies on Facebook that’s worth joining x

Tamlyn74 profile image
Tamlyn74 in reply to Livbutterfly

OMG ive been doing it wrong and the instructions don't appear to be all that clear. Thanks for the advise and I'll look into that group. Thanks again

Livbutterfly profile image
Livbutterfly in reply to Tamlyn74

I was too!

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