My daughter started school in September 2018, since then she has slowly started withholding her poo, it is now such an issue she lately went 10 days without going she holds it in if her life depends on it even with 2 types of laxatives she finally went but it’s now day 5 without a poo again 4 doses of movicol a day for the last 3 days and STILL no poo just endless soiled knickers, along with her asking “mummy can you wipe my bum” every 10 minutes - me and my husband are at our wits end it’s so awful and we get so fed up, please help!! What else can we do
Daughter withholding poo for 10 days: My daughter... - ERIC
Daughter withholding poo for 10 days

I have a daughter exactly the same there is not alot we can keeping on to them or stressing out they sence it and will make them withold. It's so frustrating feel for u.
We're the same I love this group u get so much advice..if my daughter don't go for three days we have to up it by two sachets everyday til 8 sachets so she can have a good clear out.up their fluids too as water helps the bowels to move and exercise. Hope this helps.
As long she is soiling it's class as a poo.
Hi sorry to hear re your daughter. You mention she’s taking 2 types of laxative. What we had to do in this situation was as well as up the movicol, we upped the dose of Dulcolax (sodium picosulfate). As my daughter’s consultant explained it’s the later that is the stimulant so by giving enough of it, it overrides a child’s ability to withhold (basically they have no
choice but to poo) and reduces risk of further impaction. Good luck