This is my first post & I'm hoping for any advice or suggestions. My daughter was potty trained at age 3 (shes now 4) & everything was going great until last June when she started suffering with constipation. We used lactulose to control it until early December when she went a week without going. Following this episode she started soiling frequently, several times a day, which i now understand was overflow as it was dark, sticky & offensive, but she would also say if she needed a poo. We were prescribed laxido by our gp & sent away, not really knowing what we were doing. I came across this website which gave some great advice & I rang eric who advised a disimpaction. I tried this the 1st week of March but since then the accidents have been much more frequent, almost continual throughout the day. She is no longer doing a poo on the toilet/potty & no longer says she needs a poo. It's as though all her poo is coming out as accidents throughout the day as when she sits on the potty nothing comes.
I wonder if we need to do another disimpaction as we didn't quite get to brown water last time, more like custard consistency. Or could it be that she's on too high a maintenance dose (currently 1.5 sachets, I've been cutting down gradually) as we've not had a formed poo since doing the disimpaction.
We have an appointment with the gp on Friday to discuss a potential x-ray, referral to the continence team & senna.
Any advice/suggestions/ideas would be welcomed - this is becoming very stressful!