Hi everyone hope someone can help me. My son is 4 will be 5 in May he is in reception at school. He has never had a number 2 on the toilet at school and has accidents every day at school and at home. Having a wee is fine but having a poo is a real issue. He is currently taking 20mls of lactulose daily but this doesn’t seem to be helping. He has no pattern in his accidents. We have tried sitting him on the toilet on a regular basis but he just gets off and then poos in his pants.
It is an issue at school as they are now saying it’s effecting his learning as he is having to be changed so much. I am in contact with the health visitor who says there’s not much more that can be done. We are also under a doctor who prescribed the lactulose. The trouble is our son isn’t at all fussed about having accidents!