I am at my wits end. And feeling like I'm failing as a mum. My daughter is 4 and started school in September. She can go some weeks with no accidents. But some days she can have 5 or more in an hour. Today we have been through 7 pairs if pants and when we put her to bed she just sat there and did a wee without any warning.
She is a bright clever girl and I just don't know what to do to help her. I don't want to get frustrated with her but it's so hard.
I know she can do it but something triggers her and she gets desperate crosses he legs and just freezes. Keeps saying she needs me and gets distressed and has an accident.
It's impossible to get her pants down when her legs ate crossed.
I've tried getting her to breathe, count, concentrate but nothing works!
She has a watch to remind her to go ever hour but still wets herself at school.