I came across this forum recently and it's been a great source of advice, but we have a slightly unusual issue with my son (who's nearly 4) and I'm wondering whether there's anybody here who can help? Basically he has been producing multiple but incomplete bowel movements per day since he was under a year old. Initially I suspect this was due to chronic constipation. However he's been on Movicol for around 2 years now and we are still experiencing this problem. The Movicol changes the consistency of the poo, but he is still doing a ridiculous number of bowel movements per day - usually around 8, but it can be as many as 20. Some are fairly small, but others can be pretty large. We have followed a disimpaction regime twice, which made no difference either time, so we know he isn't experiencing overflow soiling. He has tested negative for coeliac disease.
My son is fully potty trained for wees but still wears nappies as he doesn't appear to have control over his bowel movements (he says they "just come" and don't leave him enough time to get to the potty). It's crossed my mind that he might be subconsciously withholding (or partially withholding), but most people in this situation talk about their child having no bowel movements for days, which isn't our experience.
Does anybody have any ideas, or a child with a similar problem? We've seen consultants at the hospital and recently paid for a private consultation but we don't seem to be any closer to identifying what's going on. Both times we've been advised to continue with the Movicol, but we've been doing that for 2 years now (2 sachets per day) and are no further forward. My son will start school in September 2019 and I'm desperate to find out what's going on so that we can improve things for him before then.