Hello everyone. My 3-year-old son has been on a maintenance dose of Movicol Paediatric since March. It's been going very well (some days too well!), but for the first time he has had one day without a bowel movement, in spite of the fact that he had two sachets. Is this quite common, in your experience with your little ones? Thank you for your help and attention.
Days without bowel movement, with Movicol in system? - ERIC
Days without bowel movement, with Movicol in system?
Its happened to us too. Although my boy poos every day on his Movicol he will have the odd day where he doesn’t. I never let him go 2 days though. I find that Movicol takes about 48hrs to work (in my boy) so if I increase the dose I have to wait for the results. In the past I would panic and up his Movicol and he’d become too loose.
I would suggest that once he has a poo (today hopefully) inspect it and if it’s his normal load then continue with your maintenance dose. If a little small or drier than usual up the Movicol - even if it’s just by a teaspoon. It’s a juggling act but I find my boy sometimes needs more due to fluid intake, illness etc. I also found that if he misses a poo day he will make up for it the following day by having 2 or 3 bowel movements.
If no poo today, increase your Movicol as I would imagine that things would be getting backed up after 48hrs.
Hope that helps, and fingers crossed you get some poo today!
Thank you so much for this; it’s really reassuring. He has had a cold for the first time in a while, so wondering if things are just a bit out of order. He did also have quite a bit of bowel movement over the weekend.
Thanks again!!
I actually have exact same thing with my 3 year old at the moment, he has been on movical for around a month and senna for the last week and today and yday we haven’t had much bowel movement. I am hoping for something tomorrow. He has also had a cough and a cold this last week So am wondering if this has had an impact on the lack of bowel movement as haven’t changed laxative dose. Glad to hear of other in the same boat x
Thanks x
My son is currently on 4 sachets of movicol(he is 5). He sometimes has odd days where he doesn't go. I have been told to aim for at least one to two bowel movement a day and if we are not achieving it is to then put the movicol up. I have not gone done this route yet because usually the following day he goes and he is a 4 to a 5. Hope this helps