Looking for some help or support please. I have a seven year old son who has functional abdominal pain which is like a never ending tummy ache behind his belly button and anxiety. Crohns, colities, gluten and wheat intolerance have been ruled out.
Daytime he occasionally has daytime accidents at home and school because he says he can't tell when he needs the toilet. School has been told to increase his access to water and let him go to the toilet if he thinks he needs to go. He's never scolded and we simply change him if it happens. Does not happen on days out although he will tell us with very very short notice that he needs a wee. No issues with number 2's.
Night time bothers me more. He has never been dry. This is partly our fault as he has access to water as he says it helps his tummy pain so he drinks like a fish at night. All medication for his pain has failed and in one case we ended up at A&E because it made his pain worse. Takes an hour to go to sleep. Once asleep does not wake up until around 7.30am the next day. Does not wake up for the toilet and if we wake him he can't sleep again for hours. We took the let sleeping dogs lie approach unless his nappy leaks.
At the moment we have a strip mattress protector on his bed and another two over his mattress to protect it as he's moved to a new stompa bed. Usually just have to wash main bedding. Not sure where to go from here. I intend to try and reduce his nightime water intake and have increased his drinking during the day.
It's virtually impossible to get a GP appointment.