First time writing a post here. My 4 year old boy has had trouble with constipation since he was 6 months old. Since trying toilet training about 1.5 years ago it’s been a nightmare with holding back and soiling etc. we received such bad advice from doctors who obviously didn’t understand constipation. We weren’t giving him movicol correctly.
2 weeks ago we went to a new doctor and discovered ERIC and this forum. A god send!! Our boy has been so so happy that we understand what’s happening and he doesn’t soil on purpose and doesn’t have the sensation to go. I feel incredibly guilty when I think of all those reward charts we had. He was never going to get results that way. It just made him feel so misunderstood.
We started giving him 2 sachets of laxido (1 morning, 1 after lunch) 2 weeks ago. And great results, no soiling until today. His mood has changed dramatically. He’s been such a happy boy. Teachers have noticed a big positive change in him too.
Doctor had said to give a clear out a try “if we wanted to” but to do it when there was no distractions and we could take a week of school to do it.
So we are ready this week to do it but I’m worried that the trauma of a clear out will make things worse for him if we don’t need to do it. When do you know if they need a clear out and is ok to keep going as we are since his poos seem to be normal?
Sorry for the long post! Any advice would be really appreciated.