Just wondering if anyone else having a nightmare like us. He's been great up until now going daily without prompting and not soiling. This week we've had soiling and hiding it. Still keeping the routine the same with sitting etc and nothing changed with food either. Wondering it not being at school has made him regress.
School holiday set back: Just wondering if anyone else... - ERIC
School holiday set back

Not just me then!!! I'm trying to take it as a warped compliment that she's clearly more relaxed at home. Last week we had so many accidents but amazingly, when she's been at gym club for activity days this week no accidents there but one every evening when she gets home. So frustrating as now have no idea if we're making progress or not? Roll on the end of the school holidays!!!
I found in the past a change in routine often caused a relapse. Try to see it as a blip and hope that with school starting that's things will right themselves. I found with age the 'blips' became fewer. Hang in there x
Same here. Not school yet but nursery off for summer and we went away for a week ... resists sitting at her usual times, gets up without making much effort then has an accident. Mine is still learning the signals and routine helps as she has certain times she's likely to poo. I think her lazy pushes get it almost out but she running off and thinks it's a parp. Frustrating!
She did one on me earlier!!!!! Came and sat on my after a far too short go on the potty. Yuk.
Same here! Wee's rather than poo's but they happen much more often when out of school/nursery ...